Jumat, 22 April 2016

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

1. Simple Present tense
   Digunakan saat kalimat tersebut berhubungan dengan fakta,keadaan atau kegiatan yang      sering dilakukan. Contoh :
  • Kalimat tanpa kata kerja (S + to be + C) 

        1. (+)You are confuse 
            (-)You are not confuse
            (?)Are you confuse ?  
        2. (+) We are facebook user
            (-) We are facebook user
            (?) Are we facebook user ?

  • Kalimat memakai kata kerja (S + V1 + s/es + C)
         1. (+) I  go to Tasik next week
             (-)  I do not go to Tasik next  week
             (?)  he go to Tasik next week?
             Pasif : Tasik is arrived by me next week

2.            2. (+) Bio borrow a new handphone
             (-) Bio does not borrow a new handphone
             (?) does he borrow a new handphone?
             Pasif : New handphone is borrowed by Bio  

2. Present Continous
    Berfungsi untuk menjelaskan kegiatan yang "sedang" terjadi saat ini  
   (S + to be + Ving + C) 
    contoh : 
    1. (+)Tia is Reading News paper
        (-) Tia is not Reading News paper
        (?) Is Tia Reading News paper ?

             Pasif : the News paper is being Read by Tia

2    3. Present Perfect         
          Berfungsi untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang "sudah" berlalu atau kejadian di masa lalu  
         contoh :
  • Kalimat tanpa kata kerja ( S + have/has + been + C )
              1. (+) I have been promoted be a manager
             (-)  I have not been promoted be a manager
             (?) have you been promoted be a manager?

         2. (+) The backpack has old
             (-) The backpack has not old
             (?) has the backpack been old ?
  •     Kalimat dengan kata kerja  (S + have/has + V3 + C )

1. (+) I have trained this muscle toda
    (-) I have not trained this muscle today
               (?) have you trained this muscle today ?
               Pasif : the muscle has been trained by me
2. (+) I have finished the ninja gaiden game
               (-) I have not finished the ninja gaiden game
               (?) have you finished  the ninja gaiden game?
               Pasif : the ninja gaiden game has been finished  by me

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